More comprehensive list
- Spike Sorting: The Prehistory talk given at the CORTICO 2022 workshop, March 16 2022.
- Simulation-based inference for neural network structure talk given in the Neuromat 2022 webminar series on March 8 2022.
- A System of Interacting Neurons with Short Term Synaptic Facilitation talk given with Eva Löchrbach at the Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Analysis in Neuroscience, february 2 2022. A hand-out version is available with the slides, references, details, etc.
- The material for my course at the ADVANCED TOOLS FOR DATA ANALYSIS IN NEUROSCIENCE summer school (August 30 - September 3 2021) in Strasbourg is available on the following
repository: - Working Memory and Metastability in a System of Spiking Neurons with Synaptic Plasticity a talk given at the BIOHASARD 2021 workshop, June 3 2021 (improved version of the previous talk). The talk handout is also available (easier to print with extra references and comments) and the video recording of the talk is on
. - Working Memory and Metastability in a System of Spiking Neurons with Synaptic Plasticity a joint talk with Morgan André in the Neuromat/NeuroMod webminars series, April 27 2021. The talk handout is also available (easier to print with extra references and comments).
- Stochastic modeling of interacting neuron's systems a joint talk with Eva Löcherbach in the Neuromat/NeuroMod webminars series, May 28 2020. A short presentation of the talk is also available.
- My Lascon VIII (2020) lectures on "Spike train analysis and modeling" are available on the PlmLab server.
- Reproducible Research: What is it? Why should we do it? How?. A talk given at the IDEEV, Gif/Orsay, November 15, 2019. Source files are available at the plmlab repository.
- A course on fluorescence data analysis given at the École de l'INSERM, February 6 2018. The title is in French but most of the content is in English. More material can be found on the dedicated GitLab repository.
- Four lectures and a talk given at the Latin American School on Computational Neuroscience (LASCON), São Paulo, January 2018.
- Fitting a Stochastic Neural Network Model to Real Data (joint work with Ludmila Brochini, Pierre Hodara and Guilherme Ost) presented at the Random Structures on the Brain workshop (Lorentz Center, Leiden, December 4-8 2017).
- Fluorescence Imaging Analysis: The Case of Calcium Transients. A course given at the ENP summer school (June 20 2017). The content did not change much compared to the last one but the underlying code was entirely rewritten in
, for the computations, andgnuplot
, for the figures. Theorg-mode
source files for the lecture's slides as well as for a detailed description of the code and analysis are available on GitHub. - R for statistics and reproducible research in the life sciences, a short course on
and onReproducible Research
given at the Young Researchers in Life Sciences meeting, Paris, May 16 2017. Click on the green buttonClone or download
to get the whole thing, then open thehtml
files with your favorite browser. - Five lectures given at the Latin American School on Computational Neuroscience (LASCON) in January 2016.
- On the relation between neuronal size and extracellular spike amplitude and its consequence on extracellular recordings interpretation. A talk given at the MathStatNeuro workshop, Nice, September 8-10 2015.
- Fluorescence Imaging Analysis: The Case of Calcium Transients (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.18691). A course given at the ENP summer school (June 17 2015). The
source file—everything is done with Python—is available on GitHub (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.18911). The IPython notebook can be visualized with nbviewer. - Nine Years of Reproducible Research: From R / Sweave to Org given at the INCF Workshop on Encourage Sharing in Cambridge 15-16 December 2014 (org source file).
- Three lectures on spike sorting (also available in video) given at the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics (NeuroMat), Universidade de São Paulo, November 25-27 2014.
- Peri-Stimulus Time Histograms Estimation Through Poisson Regression Without Generalized Linear Models. A talk given a the workshop on mathematical modeling and statistical analysis in neuroscience Copenhagen, July 2-4, 2014 (org source file).
- Nonparametric analysis of simultaneously recorded spike trains considered as a realization of a multivariate point process (version française). A talk given at the CANMUM 2014 meeting (org source file).
- From Neurophysiological Data to Statistical Models and Software Development. A talk given at the workshop MATHEMATICS AND NEUROSCIENCE: A DIALOGUE organized by Roberto Fernández at Utrecht University, September 3-5 2013.
- Fluorescence Imaging Analysis: The Case of Calcium Transients. A course given at the ENP summer school (June 26 2013). The org source file is available.
- Analyse non paramétrique de séquences de potentiels d'action. Construction de modèles et de tests de qualité d'ajustement. (in French) given at the "Premières rencontres R", Bordeaux, July 3rd 2012 (Org source file: this file contains an expended version of the talk; an abstract is available from the conference web site).
- Seven Years of Reproducible Research: From R / Sweave to Org given at the "SimGrid User Days", June 14 2012 in Lyon (Org source file using XeTeX, Org source file using pdfLaTeX).
- Sept ans de recherche reproductible au quotidien : de R / Sweave à org-mode (in French) given at the Rencontre de réflexion autour de la recherche reproductible, April 5 2012, Orléans University (org-mode source file).
- Les séquences de potentiels d’action neuronaux comme observations de processus de comptage : estimation de l’intensité par vraisemblance pénalisée (in French), talk given at the Groupe de travail en Statistiques of the MAP5, June 17 2011 (org-mode source file).
- Spike sorting and sorting quality evaluation through generative model estimation, data simulation, flexible coarse classification and refined template matching. A talk given at the Validation of Automatic Spike-Sorting Methods (Ski, Norway, May 19-20, 2011).
- Making Neurophysiological Data Analysis Reproducible: An Example with the Open Source Software R. Handout of an overview talk given at the Janelia Workshop on Challenges in Extracellular Electrophysiology: Data Extraction (May 16-18, 2010). Spike Sorting: A Reproducible Example using R, a document illustrating the approach discussed in the talk. ReproducibleAnalysis.tar.gz, a bunch of files with everything needed to regenerate the former analysis (using R). In other words, you can check that what I'm describing works as described.
- Spike train measurement and sorting, handout of an overview talk given at Saarbrücken, Universität des Saarlandes, May 7 2010.
- Une application simple du théorème de Donsker pour la construction de tests de qualité d'ajustement de modèles de l'intensité conditionnelle d'un processus de comptage (in French). A talk given at the groupe de travail AgroParisTech-Paris Descartes-select, October 26 2009.
- Spike Train Analysis. A one hour talk given at the NeuroComp09 conference (September 18 2009).